STIs That Are on the Rise

STIs (formerly known as STDs – or sexually transmitted diseases) now known as sexually transmitted infections – are rising. The rise of these preventable and treatable diseases is found in young people as well as in the elderly. Any time there’s sexual contact with an infected person without proper precautions, the diseases can be spread. […]

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Five Tips On Becoming More Sexual

Sex is an important part of your life and your relationship. Its essential that you enjoy it. The human body is conditioned to be sexual and therefore reproduce, it is the strongest of all animals on the planet. It is the second strongest instinct on the planet next to that of survival. However, sexual desire […]

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Tips To Help You Get Laid

Just How You Can Get Laid So how to actually get laid? Getting laid can be easy and difficult at the same time. It is easy for some and not too easy for others. Why? Well for simple reasons that some men become a master at the art of getting laid and know how to […]

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Men’s Secret Erogenous Zone

by Felicity Keith If I asked you to guess what his “secret” erogenous zone is, I bet you’d say his eyes. Or maybe his skin. Or maybe it’s the little area down near the family jewels called the perineum that you may have heard about. Those are great guesses. However the most secret erogenous zone […]

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