Happy Sexy Canada Day

Even though it is a holiday here and I am supposed to take the day off, I still wanted to pop in for a few minutes to wish everyone a very Happy and Sexy Canada Day. It may be raining tonight, but I am still hoping for some fireworks, if you know what I mean! […]

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Using Body Language To Your Benefit

A lot of talk goes on about Body language, however, very few people take the time and effort learn what it is really all about. Whether they realize it or not, body language is very important with women — not just in how you position your body when around her, but also in how well […]

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Aftercare And Subdrop

BDSM activities, especially the more intense ones involving pain and stress, make use of the body’s built-in defense mechanisms and chemistry. One simple example is the body supplying pleasure-inducing endorphins in order to help the brain deal with pain. These chemicals, though natural and produced by one’s own body, are nonetheless drugs, and can cause […]

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Threesome Sex

She Wants A Threesome And He Wants Vanilla Sex Dear Frank, I was pregnant when I first met my current boyfriend. He was very supportive as a friend, and over the last year and a half we became close. While I was pregnant my sex drive was out of commission, so we have only been […]

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