New Erotic Photos

Ted realized that he hasn’t added any new pictures to his Hot Erotic Photo Gallery recently, so he decided to do that today. He just added over 27,000 photos. You can see them all with your Platinum membership to Tryst (under the Paid Extras tab, click Ted’s Erotic Photo Gallery). If you are not a […]

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Our 23rd Anniversary

Yes it is true, Ted and I were married 23 years ago today… he married me when I was 5, thank you for asking. It feels like it was just yesterday, yet I barely remember life before him… pretty sucky isn’t it. Feel free to send your congratulations, condolences, or even gifts… we accept everything […]

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GoWild 12 Mardi Gras Party Review

Wow…. what a weekend! It took me until today to get enough energy to write up my review of our recent GoWild Swinger Party. It was really great to see so many of our regular GoWild followers who made the trek out to London for GoWild 12. Thanks for joining us, it was great to […]

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Want To GoWild?

That’s right, it’s almost time to GoWild, for the 12th time! This Saturday is our Mardi Gras Madness event at Samantha’s Place in London. Yes, Mardi Gras Madness visits London Ontario on April 17th, You should be there. Prize Sponsors

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