Great Weekend

As I sit at my computer trying to concentrate on getting the new issue of Tryst Magazine ready for the printers, my mind keeps wandering to last Saturday night. What happened? Glad you asked because I am just dying to tell someone 😉 Ted and I hosted our first house party in years… it was […]

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Happy St. Pattys Day

Hope you are wearing something green today, and not feeling “green”. I just sent out a newsletter to all my members and like last time I wanted to give you the option to just read it online, in case you don’t get all my emails (with all the span going around — sounds like a […]

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10 Foreplay DON’TS to Remember

Sometimes, in our quest for better foreplay and better sex, we tend to get a bit carried away… to the point that we do things that TURN OFF our partners. Some of these mistakes are not just overzealousness but due to myths propagated in adult films and magazines. Well, to avoid these foreplay booboos, here’s […]

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Sandi and Ted Are Back From Jamaica

Hope you missed us… I did try and have a drink for each of you, but I kept falling down on my way to the bar so I may have missed a couple 🙂 We had a great time, but how can you not when you are on holidays, especially when you are at Hedonism […]

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