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Watches Porn Without Her

Watches Porn Without Her

He Watches Porn Without Her,
Making Her Jealous

Dear Frank,

I have recently learned that my husband looks at porn sometimes. I have not told him I know. We have a great sex life so I usually don’t mind his occasional views. But sometimes I get a little jealous, but I’m not really sure why. I don’t think I feel threatened by it, as I watch porn sometimes on my own (but my husband does not know I watch it). Do you have any suggestions on how I can spice things up with us a bit? I hate feeling jealous and would rather focus on making our time together even hotter. Any tips?
Jealous in Oakville

Dear Jealous,
Well, since you both enjoy porn, why not watch some together? My guess is your jealousy is not rooted in him watching the porn, as much as, his paying attention to something other than you. You obviously feel very secure in your marriage not to make it an issue, so that is a very good sign. In those times you watch porn together, the way I recommend to couples is to watch it and as the two of you start touching and move closer to being intimate, it is at that point you should turn the porn off, and continue being sexual with each other. That will bring your attentions onto each other, and the stimulation of the porn gets brought into the relationship to spice things up.

~Frank, because I have to be
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