Right now I am sending out a newsletter with a summary of all the new updates for all you swingers out there. If you are not on my list of swinging friends, then just join my site for free and I will add to you my list of so you can get all of the news for swingers sent to your mail box. This newsletter is mainly to remind everyone about our Big Tryst Swingers Party at the Oasis Aqualounge tomorrow (day & night). Plus, of course, it summarizes everything that is going on around here at SOS. It is going out to all of my current members (free and paid) and to make sure that you did not miss I have included a direct link to it, below, just in case it got caught up in your spam filter.
I would love to hear from you, so please feel free to leave me any comments you may have (good or bad) by filling in the comment section below. Without your feedback I can’t continue to make improvements to this site, and make it the place to hang out with other swingers. So keep the comments coming. Hope you all have a very erotic weekend, I know I will at our party . Check out all the latest Swingers News directly