Sandi Life Updates
Merry TrystMas
Just wanted to say Merry TrystMas to everyone and we hope you have a Very Horny New Year. Lust & Kisses… Sandi Claus 😉
25th Anniversary
Yes it is that time again, our Wedding Anniversary. This time it is our 25th. Hard to believe that Ted and I were married 25 years ago today… I don’t know how that is possible… he must have married me when I was 4, thank you for asking. It feels like we just got married […]
Sexy Club Clothes Sale
Thought I would pass this on to all of you. One of my favourite places to buy sexy clothes is having a 20% off sale for their entire site and I did not want you to be mad at me for not letting you know. The sale ends on Friday, March 23rd at 4pm pst, […]
Thanksgiving On The Nude Beach
The weather this weekend could not have been better, it was so good that Ted & I were able to spend 3 days on Toronto’s Nude Beach for Thanksgiving. Now, that is something to be thankful for. We met some great people, did you know there is a whole Hanlan’s nude beach crew that go […]