Female Orgasm Guide For A Better Sex Life

Now who doesn’t want to improve their sex life? Well, to enhance your bedroom activities, let me give you an inside look at how the female orgasm guide can help you. Many people have a tough time achieving female orgasm and it can be frustrating.  Problems with sex can even cause the demise of a […]

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Tips To Help You Be A Good Kisser

It seems like kissing is something that you can talk about over and over again and never get bored. Nothing is better than a good kiss. Nothing makes the birds seem to sing louder, the grass seem greener than a great kiss. You’ve seen articles about kissing, but not really too much about methods. You […]

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Sandi On Swinging

  I am still working on getting my site back online after losing my service provider. Thing is, I figured that since I had to pretty much start the design process from scratch I would redesign things to give the site a fresh look. PLUS, I’m thinking about all new features for when I get […]

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Sex Buddy That Withholds Sex

Why is Sex Buddy withholding Sex? Dear Frank, What advice do you have for a guy that wants his sex-buddy back, but only as a sex-buddy? I have been seeing a girl for almost a year. We are sex-buddies. We only get together when neither of us is seeing anyone else seriously. Lately though when […]

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