Sexy New Years Resolution Ideas

Welcome to a New Year full of every possibility, giving everyone a chance to start fresh, set new goals, and fulfill new fantasies. I was thinking that this year we should all try something different when it comes to our resolutions. Rather than the typical “be healthier, lose weight, stick to a budget” type of […]

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Feeding Your Fantasies

Fantasies Are Good For You There are different forms of entertainment people enjoy. Some gets satisfaction from reading books, some enjoy the world of cross-stitching, a lot would go for a shopping extravaganza and some just love to have movie marathons. One can choose from an action, drama, comedy, suspense and even titillating films; anything […]

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Newest Swinger’s Newsletter

I am sending out a Swingers Newsletter as I am writing this note to you, so check your InBox (or Junk box — whichever the case may be) to make sure you got your copy. If you don’t get it today (it takes a few hours to get them all out) then make sure I […]

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Jealousy And Swinging

He Watches Her Sex Tape and feel Threatened and Jealous Dear Frank, I recently found a sex tape of my girlfriend with her ex boyfriend. They made the tape when they were together. I was over at her place, woke up to find she had gone to run some errands, so I decided to watch […]

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