More Swingers News

More Swingers News going out right now, from little old me. Summary of updates to the site, as well as those Quickie Sex Tips and Sex Facts which I hear you are very much enjoying! I know that many junk boxes eat up newsletters, so I have included, just for you, a direct link to […]

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How To Talk Your Wife Into Having A Bi Lady Experience

In honor of National Coming Out Day October 11th I thought it would be fitting to write an article on becoming a bi lady. The short answer to how to talk your wife into having a bi experience is, you can’t. She is either interested or she isn’t.

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Erotic Photo Gallery Update

Yes it’s true, Ted’s Hot Erotic Photo Gallery was just updated. I know it has been a while, but today is your lucky day! 🙂 Ted just added another 5,069 sexy pictures to his Erotic Photo Gallery today. 5,069 photos in 11 different categories giving you quite a nice variety of new erotic photos to […]

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National Coming Out Day

Didn’t want you to miss National Coming Out Day. It’s today! An internationally observed awareness day celebrating all people who have publicly identified themselves as bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender (hope I didn’t miss anyone). I think this sounds like a great excuse to party tonight. Who’s with me? 😉 Let’s celebrate National Coming Out Day!

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