How To Join A Clique At A Swingers Club

Off the bat I just want to let you in on a secret, there are not as many cliques at a swingers club as you may think, just people who have not seen each other in a long time. It’s just that from the outside of the group looking in, especially if you are new […]

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News For Swingers

Late yesterday I sent out my newest issue of my SandiOnSwinging newsletter, full of news just for Swingers and like minded adults. Once again I have included some Quickie Sex Tips and Sex Facts (just like

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TV Show: Secret Sex Lives Of Swingers

Now here is a reality TV show you can get into, Secret Sex Lives Of Swingers. And it is airing on… you will never guess… wait for it… the Discover Channel (Fit & Health). I am just upset that I don’t get that channel, not being much into reality shows, but I did figure I […]

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No Bra Day

No Bra Day We all need to do our part to support Breast Cancer Research on National No Bra Day. Now looking into this, what should be, “official” holiday I was a little confused as I found out there is another one being celebrated on July 9th. My feeling is what is the problem with […]

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