Erotic Photo Gallery Expands Again

Ted continues to update his Erotic photo gallery. Another 11,218 sexy pictures were added to his Hot Erotic Photo Gallery today. He decided to give us a little of everything (or at least

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Threesome Etiquette

How To Behave During A Threesome To Make Your Two Women Happy! I think it is my civil duty to do this… If you want to enjoy lots of threesomes during your life time you need to understand the following: “You Need To Know How To Behave And What To Do During A Threesome So […]

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We Vibe – Great Vibrator For Both Of You!

We Vibe Vibrator Review List Price: $130 US (prices for the original We-Vibe as low as $60US) Sale Price: Click here for best price on We-Vibe Personal Massager Availability: Click here for availability Rating: The We-Vibe is the first ever vibrator that can be used while making love, making it one of the most unique […]

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Reasons Why You Should Not Consider Swinging

Should you try Swinging? There is certainly as many wrong reasons to decide to start swinging as there are correct reasons. Here are a few of the wrongs ones that come to mind.

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