Big Bug Fixed

Recently some members have been having some trouble with the site logging them out when they click on a link. Well we were finally able to track down the problem and it is now fixed. Luckily, this bug did not effect paid members. As always, if you are ever having problems with our site please […]

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Introduction to Swinging – Part 1

Hello, For those who do not know me (and you should), let me introduce myself, my name is Sandi Andersen and we here at promote Recreational Promiscuity for Adults. I’m not talking about promoting cheating; I am talking about assisting loving couples who are searching for ways to jazz up their marriage and sex life. […]

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Fantasy Story of the Day

Yes, I got another on of my “Of The Days” done today. This time it is the Fantasy Story, these are stories that either my readers of Tryst or Tab Magazine or a member of my site has sent in for your enjoyment. You get a new erotic story each and every day, provided you […]

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Happy 4th of July

For all of my American friends I would just like to say Happy 4th of July. I hope you are spending time with family &/or friends like we are. We went to visit some friends in Maine for their big July 4th celebration. Wow, those Americans really know how to party. See you soon… Sandi

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