Hanlan’s Point Nude Beach

Can you believe it’s almost summer time, and that means it is time to go to Hanlan’s Nude Beach. I know Sandi and I can’t wait, we never can. As most of you know our summer pretty much revolves around boating, and in our boating travels we spend as much time as we can afford […]

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How to Admit to a Foot Fetish

This page is to show you how to admit to your partner that you have a foot fetish. Steps Make subtle hints, look at your partners feet now and then and allow yourself to be seen doing so. After doing so, offer your partner a foot massage on a regular basis, this will allow your […]

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Threesome Is Getting Complicated

Threesome turned into a Triad relationship, and now the other woman wants to keep her all to herself…. Dear Frank, I am married to a wonderful man. A few years into our marriage, I wanted to explore my bisexuality, and he was very supportive. At first, he let me explore women on my own, and […]

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How to Enjoy Your Fetish

Most men have a fetish: some have foot fetishes while others are into cross-dressing. Life is short. So ask yourself: do you want to enjoy your fetish as much as humanly possible? If the answer is yes, then keep reading.

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