7 Qualities Girls Like Their Ideal Partner To Have!

If you are a man reading this, you need to pay attention! There are some things that you need to know so that you can find and KEEP a great relationship. You need to understand what women want to have in their ideal partner. This may be you but you may have to make some […]

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How To Ruin Your Online Swinging Success

It is hard these days to meet anyone who has not tried online dating, unless they are not single or on the internet. As for swingers who are on the internet, they are generally a member of at least one site, some are members of many sites (I don’t know how they keep track of […]

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Negotiate The Rules First

Always negotiate the rules before you are in any sexual situation. Nothing is harder to do than stopping in the middle of sex to tell your partner that you won’t have sex unless he uses a condom, dental dam, etc., or that one of your rules with swinging is that you don’t kiss the other […]

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My Husband Doesn’t Want Sex – How Can I Fix It?

So your husband doesn’t want to have sex with you anymore, well you’ve stumbled upon the right article to help you fix things. Any woman whose husband doesn’t want to have sex with her (or just doesn’t want it often enough) feels confused, frustrated, hurt, and scared that her marriage is falling apart. And indeed, […]

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