The weather this weekend could not have been better, it was so good that Ted & I were able to spend 3 days on Toronto’s Nude Beach for Thanksgiving. Now, that is something to be thankful for.
We met some great people, did you know there is a whole Hanlan’s nude beach crew that go there pretty much every weekend? They were there the whole time we were. Talk about dedication. One couple even took the bus in from Kitchener to enjoy the summer weather (sounds like it would be much easier than driving and finding a parking spot). We tend to meet the nicest people on a nude beach!
One thing we could not believe it how the couples are taking over the beach. It used to be a few couples here and there, but there were more couples on the beach this weekend, than males. Even 5 or 6 ladies were there all by themselves. You should have been there too.
So tell me, what did you do to enjoy the warm weather (if you were as lucky as we were) this weekend? Let me know in the comments below. Hope to see you next time we go to the nude beach, make sure to say “Hi”.