Using Humour When Meeting Couples For Sex

Dating isn’t easy, and Swinging is just dating for couples, but we all know the women are in charge so this is mainly written with you men in mind. When you first meet someone you want to make a good impression, but those first few dates can sometimes be awkward. When you’re trying to talk to someone you don’t know, there can often be a lag in conversation as you try to figure out what to say.

If you’ve ever been on one of those dates when it seemed like everything just kind of went south, there is something you can do to change that for the future. And, you probably already have this tool handy but didn’t realize just how effective it could be to help you get them to like you.

That tool is your sense of humour – and it works to help you land the girl/guy/couple that you want, whether you’ve just started swinging or you’ve been seeing them for a few weeks. Many guys (and girls) tend to clam up and conceal their sense of humour, but it’s one personality trait that is most attractive to women.

Why Women Want Men With a Sense of Humor

If you check out dating sites, more often than not, you’ll see that what women are looking for, even above looks in a man, is a sense of humour. If you doubt that humour is really what women want, think of all the funny leading men in Hollywood who don’t have the star power good looks, yet women flock to their movies.

It’s because they’re funny and funny can beat out attractiveness more often than not. A man with a sense of humour is a quality that most women look for because it can make any situation easier to handle.

Showing adaptability will draw women to you. Women are attracted more by personality and behaviour than they are to physical appearance. Confidence is key, and people with a good sense of humor are naturally more confident.

Women recognize this confidence and are drawn to it. Believe it or not, there’s a lot of power in having a sense of humour. A woman enjoys being around a man who can laugh at the absurdities of life, and many men are also attracted to that quality. He’ll find something to laugh about – even in the toughest of times.

Finding a way to help make people laugh can keep a relationship fresh and lighthearted. These kinds of people are usually excited about life and always have something that they’re looking forward to. Studies have shown that people with a sense of humour are also highly intelligent.

They’re often witty as well as being real in a world filled with posers. Haven’t we all had enough of people pretending to be something that they’re not. If you have a sense of humor, you will be more at ease with yourself and others around you. You won’t have to pretend to be someone else in order to feel comfortable. This sense of being at ease translates into confidence.

A sense of humour will also make other want to hang around you, whether alone or at a swingers party. Someone with a sense of humor not only knows how to lighten any situation, but also knows how to use it during intimacy to deepen the connection.

Women long for a man that they can be themselves around. And one that has a sense of humour is one that they know they can laugh with because, while he can be serious, he won’t take things so seriously that he makes life a drag. Women pick up on this and it’s more important to them than physical appearance. This is why you’ll often see a beautiful woman out with a guy who looks like there’s no way he should be with her.

When Is Humor Right to Use?

The first time that you’ll want to use humour is during the introduction. This is because making people laugh will make you stand out in their mind. But remember that a pickup line usually comes across as a pickup line even if you try to make it funny.

A good time to use humour is when talking about yourself as far as what you’ve accomplished in life. Too many men brag so much about themselves that they come across as arrogant. So use humour to your advantage. If you have a long list of accomplishments, there’s nothing wrong with sharing that, but to keep from sounding like you’re arrogant, add something funny. Say something like, “And I also save the world in my spare time” and you’ll come across as ambitious, yet funny. Two qualities that people like.

If this is your first meeting with a couple then it may turn awkward at the end. Not knowing whether to lean in for a kiss or if it’s too soon, if she/he feels any connection to you. Sometimes it can be hard to read body language. This is where humour can help. You can say something funny. Something along the lines of being a guy can be tough. You never know whether to go in for a goodnight kiss or not and instead, kick yourself all way the way home because you didn’t even try, but with humour. Women appreciate a guy who can navigate the awkward parts of a date transition smoothly.

While it’s important for a couple to laugh together, you also want to show her that you have a serious side, a romantic side that connects with her during intimacy, this is very important to women. While humor can help ease tension, it can also come across to her that you’re not taking her seriously, that you’re not really listening to her and that’s a good way to bring about the end of a relationship.

Learn how to be light-hearted about things and it will make you stand out from the crowd, helping you to meet (and get together) with more couples.

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