Swinging In The News

Tryst Invades Oasis Aqualounge

Yes, it is true after long last we are doing another Tryst Swinger Party and all couples and ladies are invited. We are headed downtown to the newest Toronto swinger club, the Oasis Aqualounge.

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Steak and Blowjob Day

I did not want you to forget… Today is Steak and a Blow Job day (I must say Ted really does enjoy this celebration for some reason) this is not to be confused with our “Swingers Steak and a Blow Job day” which is in July (do not worry I will let you know when […]

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Las Vegas Swingers Club

Yesterday it was announced that Las Vegas (specifically Clark County) is redefining the rules on sex clubs, also known as a swingers club. Las Vegas, which I often refer to as “sin city” (where what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas), is the last place that should be trying to shut down these clubs. Ted […]

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Swingers Reality Series

I personally do not like reality TV, but I just may have to make an exception with this new show coming out on Playboy TV. It is a Swingers Reality Series and it is set to start this Friday (February 11th). Click the link to get a sneak preview. From what I saw in the […]

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