Black Friday Sale

While watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade inspiration struck. There were so many commercials for Black Friday sales and that is something we have never done here. So….. this year we thought… brand new member’s area… new features… why not do something new, like have a black Friday sale. So we are jumping on the […]

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Passion Lube Review

Lubricant is one must-have product that all couples need in the bedroom – whether heterosexual or homosexual, twenties or sixties – it comes in handy for everyone involved. Passion Lubes is a natural lubricant that’s water-based. It comes in a 16 or 32-ounce container and it’s one of the top selling lubricants on the market. […]

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Attracting A Woman

How to Attract A Woman An absolute must when talking about seduction is touching (as in non-sexual physical contact). You must first establish a basic level of mutual attraction before you can successfully pickup a woman. In other words, before you can move onto kissing and/or sleeping with her, you MUST first include a good […]

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Stripper Girlfriend Not As The Fantasy

Stripper Girlfriend needs constant attention from him! Dear Frank My girlfriend is a stripper. I am 22 years old, and she is my first girlfriend. I got her using what I learned reading your book, Everything Out of Her Mouth is A Test. I have no problem dealing with the fact she strips for men […]

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