Voyeur At Heart

Wanting To Look At Women When They Dress Sexy, But Does She Want Me To? Voyeur at Heart Dear Frank, I can’t help but look at women when they dress so sexy. I mean like being downtown on a Saturday night when women are dressed hot (and very revealing) during the summers. Sometimes, women dress […]

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How to Talk to Women

Talking to women can be paralyzing for many men, there is a lot of pressure to pickup women. You feel like you have to lead with some sort of benefit they might get if they were to date you (and most guys think it has something to do with money). Others start off with flattering […]

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BDSM Etiquette

This will be just a quick overview of some elements of etiquette in the BDSM scene, some things you may need to know when interacting with the BDSM community. Bear in mind that some things are different from place to place and group to group, but this article should serve as some good general guidelines. […]

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5 Things Every Lady Wishes to Hear When She Meets a Guy

There are so many things you have an opportunity to talk about when you meet a new lady and are hoping to start dating her. But there are five things women love to hear you say – and surprise – it’s not all about them! #1 – You have a sense of humour. When polled, […]

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