New Erotic Photos Added To Gallery

Ted has once again updated his Hot Gallery of Erotic Photos. I know it feels like he just added photos, that is because he just did 😉 Another 13,939 sexy pictures were added to his collection of Erotic Photos today, in 10 Brand New categories giving you quite a nice variety of new erotic photos […]

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On Premise vs Off Premise Swing Clubs vs Poser clubs What’s The Difference

So you want to check out one of the swing clubs out there, but not sure which type to try, well I am here to help you figure all that out. It is actually really easy, the short answer is Off Premise Swing Clubs do not allow sex on the premises. And you guessed it […]

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Happy Halloween

I hope you all have a very Sexy, Horny, and Happy Halloween.

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Sex In Nursing Homes

It seems that there are enough Nursing home residents (especially Alzheimer’s patients) having sex that they are turning Nursing homes into inadvertent swingers clubs. That is according to RYOT, who quoted Patricia Bush, a neuropsychologist in California, said, The big picture is that society doesn’t see the sexual needs of the elderly as being worth […]

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