Baby Steps For 1st Time Swingers

Like all new things in life, you have to learn how to walk before you can run, the same can be said for swingers. The same holds true with swinging. You can learn anything in life by yourself, but the road is much harder to travel and you usually hit a lot of bumps along […]

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How To Deal With Performance Jealousy In The Swinging Lifestyle

Welcome to one in a series of articles where I help you deal with the Jealousy you may end up feeling while you are involved in the Swinging Lifestyle. I have written each article to deal with one situation so that I can give you a complete solution to your problem so you can get […]

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How to Get Your Wife to Have Sex Again

It is very tough and emotionally straining to live in a sexless marriage, sex is an intrigal part of life. You are dealing with feelings of being confused, rejected, hurt, and maybe even afraid of the future. You love your wife, you try to do well by her, but she seems to have turned away […]

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Swingers News Update

Check your inbox for some more Swingers News from me. Not just about things going on around here. but also some Quickie Sex Tips and Sex Facts which I am sure you will find helpful and fun! Since many junk boxes eat up newsletters I have, once again, included a direct link to it below.

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