Update To Ted’s Erotic Photo Gallery

Ted just added another 4,870 pictures to his Erotic photo gallery, if you have not checked out his Hot Erotic Photo Gallery you should, it is his private collection of erotic photos. He updated 11 different categories and marked them with a yellow new tag so they are easy to spot.

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25th Anniversary

Yes it is that time again, our Wedding Anniversary. This time it is our 25th. Hard to believe that Ted and I were married 25 years ago today… I don’t know how that is possible… he must have married me when I was 4, thank you for asking. It feels like we just got married […]

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New Desire Resort Causing Commotion

As you probably know Ted and I went to visit the Ceiba del Mar resort last October, this is the same resort which Desire just took over and are re-branding as Desire Pearl. We had a great time and are sorry for the change to a Desire resort because the original resort had a very […]

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New Tryst Swingers Magazine Online

I just uploaded the new issue of our combined Tryst Swingers Magazine and Tab Fetish Magazine / Gay & Bi Magazine just for you (now don’t you feel special?). This new issue is very special and is going to be a Collectors Issue. It is the last issue of Tryst/Tab Swingers Magazine/Fetish Magazine/Gay Magazine we […]

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