nude beach
Thanksgiving On The Nude Beach
The weather this weekend could not have been better, it was so good that Ted & I were able to spend 3 days on Toronto’s Nude Beach for Thanksgiving. Now, that is something to be thankful for. We met some great people, did you know there is a whole Hanlan’s nude beach crew that go […]
Toronto Nude Beach
Ted and I went to the nude beach Saturday. It was packed…. 500 to 600 people. Lots of couples, lots of groups of young women (which means lots for both of us to look at). One of the highlights was the guy who sat right in front of us….. let’s just call him “show tunes […]
Hanlan’s Point Nude Beach
Can you believe it’s almost summer time, and that means it is time to go to Hanlan’s Nude Beach. I know Sandi and I can’t wait, we never can. As most of you know our summer pretty much revolves around boating, and in our boating travels we spend as much time as we can afford […]