
Sex Issues

Performance Issues Causing Her To Want To Stop Swinging

My wife doesn’t want to swing anymore because the guys don’t seem to be able to get it up. What’s wrong with them?Signed, Confused & Frustrated Dear C&F, Believe it or not, that is a very common issue within the swinging community. I am glad you are thinking what is wrong with them, the only […]

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Learn The Tricks To Help Her Cum So It Does Not Hurt Your Relationship

Is Her NOT ‘Coming’ Getting in the Way of Your Relationship? Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. It’s a fact that men and women are different and that extends to achieving sexual pleasure as well. Take for instance the topic of orgasms; men reach their climax sooner than women. Period. Unfortunately, since […]

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Sexy Lady

How to Give Her an Orgasm in 5 Steps

Is it really so hard to give a woman an orgasm? Many say it’s difficult but many men also claim that it’s very easy… IF you know what to do. So the question is, do you? Any health, loving and lasting relationship counts a great sex life as a key ingredient. And if you look […]

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Exploring the World of Swinging

Secrets To A Healthy Sex Life

If you are like a lot of people who would like to have a healthy sex life, then we are here to ask you one thing, “Are you willing to work for it?”. You may feel this article is a little different for a swinger’s website, but we believe that good health will lead to […]

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