Latest Swingers Newsletter

The latest Swingers Newsletter is hot off the presses (so to speak). It is being sent out to all my members as I am writing this. There have been a ton of new articles going online, but then again I haven’t sent a newsletter out in quite a few weeks.

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Is Porn Ruining Your Relationships?

Porn or Pornographic material is used to stimulate the brain and emotions, and get the person into a state of arousal. When someone watches or reads pornographic materials, certain things begin to happen within the body. Neurons become activated by what’s read or watched. How Pornography Affects the Brain A pornography addiction can strike anyone.

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Men & Big Boobs

Men and big boobs, what is the attraction? Basically anatomically, these are glands which we humans use to feed our young. Technically its just another one of natures many designs to help us propagate and survive. As one may already know, breasts develop in the puberty stage with a girls hormones going haywire, no one […]

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Happy Orgasm Day

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