
Swingers about to have sex

Happy Family Day

Hope your Valentines was good… now today (in Ontario anyway) is Family Day. We came up with an even better concept for it…. Make a Family Day… so the “Swingers” version is we all have to have sex!!! Hmmm, Don’t worry if your man is fixed, Don’t remind him, that way he will still try to “Make […]

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butt massage

Say It With A Massage

Once you have catered to your partner’s appetite for Valentine’s day and finish some of the household cleaning duties, it is time to prepare for a treat. What’s more you will have some time to enjoy it! What I am talking about is a sensual massage. At the end of the day many women say […]

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12 Nights of Passion Sex Game

Sex games can be as easy or as complicated as you want them to be. There are those where you just whip out a sex game board and be done with it in a few minutes — nothing wrong with that! — but there are also those that take some time in its execution. Your […]

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What Do Women Really Think of Porn?

Ask 100 guys if they like porn and you’ll get 100 different answers, most of which will go something like this: “Oh God yes, gimme gimme gimme!” It seems like sex and visual stimulation are hard-wired into the male brain. Give us a copy of Hustler and we’re happy. Don’t have a Hustler handy? Hell, […]

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