Using Body Language To Your Benefit
A lot of talk goes on about Body language, however, very few people take the time and effort learn what it is really all about. Whether they realize it or not, body language is very important with women — not just in how you position your body when around her, but also in how well […]
Kissing A Woman
Never Ask a Woman’s permission to start Kissing One of the worst rookie mistakes that a man can make when he starts meeting women and dating them (and this is also true in the swinging lifestyle) is to ask permission for a kiss. I get it, you want to respect her boundaries – but it […]
How to Talk to Women
Talking to women can be paralyzing for many men, there is a lot of pressure to pickup women. You feel like you have to lead with some sort of benefit they might get if they were to date you (and most guys think it has something to do with money). Others start off with flattering […]
5 Things Every Lady Wishes to Hear When She Meets a Guy
There are so many things you have an opportunity to talk about when you meet a new lady and are hoping to start dating her. But there are five things women love to hear you say – and surprise – it’s not all about them! #1 – You have a sense of humour. When polled, […]