sex tips

Swinger friends give Sexual gift of a vibrator

Increasing Sexual Pleasure With A Dildo

A dildo is a sex aid that by design resembles the male sex organ in terms of shape, size and overall appearance. They can be inserted in the rectum as well as the vagina and in some cases they are used for oral sex, but we don’t totally understand that one. It is meant for […]

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steak and blowjob day

Help: Aphrodisiacs Don’t Work for Me and My Partner

As I’ve said before, aphrodisiacs are a love them or hate them kind of thing. Unfortunately, most couples are a mix of both! Take my clients Sam and Cindy for example. Cindy is all for it and even went to great lengths to prepare a 5-course aphrodisiac dinner (do you know how hard that is?!?). […]

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12 Nights of Passion Sex Game

Sex games can be as easy or as complicated as you want them to be. There are those where you just whip out a sex game board and be done with it in a few minutes — nothing wrong with that! — but there are also those that take some time in its execution. Your […]

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Condoms – All You Need to Know! Infographic

Contraception is a part of many people’s lives and in the modern world we live in, condoms are very much accepted as an important element in not only the prevention of unwanted pregnancy but also in the prevention of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. It might have been a stigma before for someone to […]

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